Online Forms & Payment

Online Forms & Payment

For any online payments, you will need a Stripe account. DentalPlus does not handle the payment but uses Stripe as a payment processor and the money goes directly to your Stripe account.


On any documents sent by email and sms, you can now add various mail merge fields which will generate a link that the patient can click on to complete the requested forms or payment.
The new fields are:

Complete medical history, covid screening form and consent form
Online complete the covid screening form
Request for a deposit payment
Request for a sum of money to be paid - used from the patient financial section

There is also a new custom form field which is not in the mail merge fields. Details can be found here.

In DentalPlus, head to the admin section, then Documents

Find your reminder document (or any other, e.g. new patient welcome email) and click on it to load it in the editor.

Add some instructions for the patient, and the new field. E.g.

Don’t forget to save your document.

Now, any documents that do out with the field in, will have a link to complete the form.

The patient completes the form on their device, or PC, signs it, and save it to our central server.

Every 10 minutes, your own practice server checks our server for any completed forms and downloads them, adding them to the patient record.
The patient record will tell you that the form has been completed online

Printing the form will show it with the signature on

Online Payment Request

You'll need a document creating for each communication type, sms & email (or only the type you want to send)

In the DentalPlus admin section, go to System setup | Document settings | Online and choose the relevant documents for the communication type

Once saved, close and re-open DentalPlus for it to pick up the changes.

Now, from a patient record, go to their financials and click the Send Online Request button
The screen will show the document to be sent. You can adjust the amount to be paid here before sending.

Once the payment is processed and your server picks this up, the payment will show in the patient financials

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