If you need to send bulk messges, for example to cancel a whole day of appointments, you can follow these steps...
1) Make you new document
2) Run a report to get your patient list
3) Send the documents
1) Make your new document
- Go to the admin section (the orange filing cabinet on the left)
- Click Documents at the top
- Click New document
- Fill out the form on the right, e.g. Document name: "Cancellation Email"
- In the "Document use" tick the required boxes, e.g. you might need a separate document for Email or sms due to text length limitations.
- Enter your document text, for example...
"~patient_1_forename~, We're sorry to inform you that we have had to cancel your appointment on ~next_appointment~. We will contact you shortly to arrange a new date and time."
- Click "Save document"
2) Run a report to get your patient list
- Still in the admin section, click Reports at the top
- If you're cancelling appointments, the best report to run is "Appointments at status" in the "Appointments" report list
- Choose the date or date-range you want to run the report for
- Choose the clinicians, or leave it on all
- Leave Scheme as "All Schemes"
- In the Status list, click "Booked"
- In the reason list, click "All reasons"
- Click "Generate Report"
Once you get the report results, click "Create Document"
3) Send the documents
- In the mailmerge screen, choose your document (or documents). You can send a combination of documents at the same time and DentalPlus will look at the mailing preferences to each patient.
- If you want to check the message, click on one of the patient names and a preview will show on the right.
Once you are happy, click the "Print/Send" button.
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